Saturday, June 30, 2007

Slept the Day Away

Last night I went out for dinner. I had eggs, hash browns and toast. It wasn't the best meal, I know, but that's what I wanted. These days, I pretty much eat what I want -- which is healthy most of the time. When I splurge though, I go all out. When I came home, I sat on the couch until I started to feel sick. It came on suddenly and I just got up and went to bed immediately. I didn't brush my teeth or wash my face. I just got up and went to bed. I don't know if it was something in the food or if I was just done for the day, due to the emotion and the longness of the week, but I was done. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt extremely tired. It must have been 10:30 pm. I just woke up about 10 minutes ago (11:30 am.) Sleeping solid the entire night and morning.

Now this morning I have some UTI symptoms. Maybe I have an infection. If it lasts until Monday, I'll call the doctor. Until then, I'll drink lots and lots of water to try to wash it away. Sometimes that works.

When I'm sick, I start to feel very close to my husband and my cats. I don't know why that is, but it's interesting. I think I'll take a shower and get cleaned up. I feel gross, but rested. lol. Then I can get a pedicure and a leg wax. Maybe I will go away for a few days to a spa. My husband said to go for it.

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