Friday, April 6, 2007

Side Effects

I go to my transplant evaluation tomorrow. I have had a good week, but I'm realizing that that is because I'm ignoring the negatives related to this disease. Really, I have managed to put all of that out of my mind. Right now I'm feeling a little worried. I know going to gym makes me feel strong and indestructible and ...well, there are great odds that I'll do well because I'm so healthy. But these medicines are super powerful and cause some crazy side effects. I've been reading about bone disease problems, diabetes and many side effects like constipation, stomach pain, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea...the steroids cause you to have a voracious appetite and thus you gain weight and you get a round look to your face. So, I'll be alive, but I'll be fat, diabetic, ugly, won't be able to eat spicy food and will easily break bones...will I also go bald? Ii did see that as a side effect of one of the drugs. I don't remember which. No wonder my Dad gave up and preferred to die. Who could blame him?

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