Friday, April 13, 2007

Lotion Recommendation

I find that with the loss of kidney function, my skin and hair is dry. I am getting older and certainly some of the skin changes are due to that fact, but I believe that the PKD is complicating things. Other kidney patients may be dealing with this as well, so I want to share a product recommendation. I found this terrific face lotion at TJ Maxx. It's from Elizabeth Arden and it's called Let There Be Light - Radiant Skin Lotion. It has SPF 15. I wear an SPF 35 face lotion every day -- under my make-up, but I use the Arden product during the day, at my desk. The great thing about it is that it has a sort of glimmer along with some moisture so you really glow. When you're skin is dehydrated, you lose the glow that is normal in healthy skin. This lotion gives you back that glow.

Also, I highly recommend Obagi Healthy Skin Protector with SPF 35. The great thing about this is that there is 9% zinc oxide so it stays on the skin much longer. Most sunscreen effectiveness wear off during the day, but the zinc oxide helps this sunscreen lotion last most of the day. Since I began using this, I have noticed a significant decrease in the sun damage to my skin.

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