Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm Ready

I've been through just about every emotion since I found out about my transplant. Much of it throwing me up and down from hour to hour through anger, frustration, optimism and sadness. But I had this feeling on Saturday that things that have happened in my life over the last year, have happened for a reason. I believe the environment at my current job is much healthier and I have met some wonderful, caring, stable people who have been extremely supportive and understanding. In particular, the person who was hired with me has been a good friend. My bosses are great, too. I know that my former employer would have done as much as possible to support me, but somehow, I know that it has been better for me to be here.

I know I'm going to be fine through the transplant. I understand the sacrifices I'll need to make and I'm ready for it. I want to prove that I can do it. That I can be healthy and fit with a transplanted kidney. I'm ready for the challenge. I'm ready for the surgery. I want to do it and get on with my life. Bring it on, baby.

I plotted my creatinine number to see the trend line for my kidney failure. If I did it correctly, it seems as though I'll be having the transplant in the Fall of this year.

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