Saturday, January 27, 2007

The weekend

I'm so glad it's the weekend. I'm sitting on the couch drinking my 2nd cup of coffee. It's half decaf, of course. Since caffeine is supposed to cause the cysts to get bigger, I have tried to cut back. I have weaned myself off most caffeine. Weekdays I have 1-2 cups of 2/3 decaf coffee and on the weekends, I usually drink 3 cups or so. But yesterday I had a diet coke with my lunch. it's pretty easy to get caffeine free diet at the food court on campus, but I had the combo meal yesterday and it comes w/ a fountain drink. There is no caffeine free diet beverage at the fountain. Honestly, it's surprising how few quick shops, food courts, restaurants and grocery stores have a caffeine free diet option. Re the grocery stores, I mean the cold selections they keep at the front of the store -- you can always buy 12 packs of anything warm. I can usually get a sparkling or flat water, but sometimes I want more flavor and variety. There is a quick shop in Baker, CA, on the way to Vegas, where you can get a diet caffeine free root beer! I can't tell you how stoked I was to see that. They also make a diet orange drink, but they add caffeine. You'd think that quick shops in So Cal would be able to afford a greater selection, but really, it's impossible to find anything that meets my needs other than water.

Tomorow is Bikram. I'm looking fw to it. I didn't go to the gym last night because I met some friends for happy hour instead. I drank 2 pints of beer, too. I haven't had that much beer in quite a while. I'm trying to cut back on drinking, mostly because of the empty calories and generally bad health effects, but not specifically because of the kidney disease. My doctor tells me that although drinking to excess is never good, there is no research that shows it's specifically detrimental for PKD sufferers. One great things about cutting back is that you really get a buzz after drinking less, so you save money! hahaha

I'm trying to decide whether I'll have wheatgrass today. I skipped yesterday, so I should today, but I'm not looking fw to the tummy ache.

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