Monday, September 10, 2007

It's Been Too Friggin' Long

I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote in my blog. Well, that should tell you that I'm doing well. It's just a waiting game now. I am ready, but I'm not going to go in for the surgery until I absolutely have to do so. That's still a mysterious decision to some people. I guess they just don't understand exactly what I'm facing post surgery.

I was ironing clothes in the spare room this morning. Since the treadmill is in there, as well, it got me thinking about how soon after my surgery I'll be allowed to get back on the treadmill. I mean, it's just walking. Maybe I can do that w/in a couple of weeks? I'll have to ask the doctor. So far they are saying NO EXERCISE for 6-8 weeks after the surgery. That makes sense with the incision and all, but doesn't walking back and forth to the potty, bed, dinner table count? If that doesn't count, then why not a little extra walking on the treadmill. It's not like the damn kidney is gonna fall out. lol. I did have a dream that my transplanted kidney was falling out.

More seriously, however, I have been feeling quite well in the last week or so, but I haven't forgotten that I am in for some major life changes. One thing I need to compile include instructions for my funeral arrangements. It's a worse case thought and one that surely won't become necessary anytime soon, but it's important for me to consider. More to come.

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