Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Latest Results

Well, I finally went to my nephrologist again. I went on the 14th and she did labs, of course, and a UA. I'm a little tired of peeing in a cup, but I suppose I should get used to it because that's likely to be a very common event in my future. I'm actually pretty good at it. I don't even get pee on my hands!

I called Friday to get the results. In particular, I was interested in the creatinine. It didn't change! It was 4.4 again, just like it was on July 8th. So, what should I make of that? I just don't know. The doctor says it'll be 2-3 months before I'll need to schedule the surgery. She says she will schedule the surgery when my GFR gets to a 10 - right now, my GFR is a 12. According to the calculator, my creatinine will need to be a 5.0 in order for the GFR to be a 10. Maybe I've already mentioned this in this blog, but there it is again. I don't much care to go back and search the blog to determine whether I have actually shared these numbers with you before so...there is the information again. You may be thinking...why do you want to continue to wait rather than just getting the surgery now -- why not just get it over with? If you were thinking that, fuck you.

I'm still trying to keep busy. It's much easier to do so during the week. On the weekends there is a lot of time to sit around and wonder about the future. I try to keep busy. Today I wandered up and down nearly every isle of Big Lots looking at odds and ends that I don't need. They have these dish towels that are compacted into a disk that fits in the palm of your hand. It's probably completely worthless, but who can ignore a $1 item that might be entertaining for, say, 5 minutes? I can't. Shopping helped me kill a good hour...maybe more. Then we went to see a movie, got dinner and played pool at a sports bar.

I have been feeling sick more frequently. When I shared that with the doctor she said "Yeah, sounds like you're getting some symptoms." Duh. My dinner made me a bit did the one drink I had after. It's not severe, but it's enough to bum me out. I was really sick last night. I don't know if it was the food or the beer. I decided to sleep in and didn't set the alarm. I woke up at 11:15. Ridiculous. I always feel a little depressed when I sleep in so late, but at least I finally felt well again.

I don't know man. I'm just feeling down today. I'm gonna go put that dish cloth in water and watch it expand. Then maybe I'll read the Tao of Pooh. Yeah, I'll talk more about that in my next blog entry.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Heather,
I have no idea how I came across your story, lol...(I'm not exactly computer savvy!!)...but I'm so glad I did:) Oh actually I did just remember how I found husband is a diabetic and he has been having back pain suddenly, and frequently so I typed that in and found you! I'm worried it may be his kidneys and was just looking to see if backpain is a symptom of that.
I just wanted to wish you the best, your story is really heartwarming, you should consider journalism because you are a wonder writer.
I am "just a mom" and you struck me as relatively young, and your story just touched me. I have 4 kids 21,22,31,and 35 and thank God they are all healthy..I can't even imagine having a child with a kidney disease. I admire your humor throughout your ordeal, you are inspiring.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Heather:)
Kathy Sannizzaro

HeatherT said...

Thanks for your comment! I hope your husband's back pain isn't from his kidneys, but since he's diabetic, you do have cause to worry. My positive thoughts are with you both. Take care. :-)

MrsGuru said...

I love reading your blog! You are a wonderful writer and always make me smile!

And you can tell those fools that think you should just get it over with now - that it's another "fuck you" from me, too! The surgery will happen when it's supposed to and not one minute sooner!

I'm sorry to hear you're having new symptoms. Hang in there. You've got your whole life ahead of you and they will only be around short term.

BTW I kicked the soda habit. I figured if you can't, I won't either! You inspired me1


PS How did the towel turn out? Will it survive a cycle in the washer? haha

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