Sunday, December 23, 2007

Public Relations

I don't think I mentioned that a medical center public relations staff member came to visit me in the hospital. She somehow heard about my 22 hour stay in post-op and came to get my story. While she was there, we complained about the doctors not answering their pages, too. She brought a fleece blanket with the name of the medical center printed on it. She also offered my husband her business card with a note on the back that would allow free parking for the rest of our stay. We were only there for one more day, but my husband did try to use the card. The parking lot attendant didn't know what do make of it and didn't want to accept it. She even tried to take away the card, but he managed to get it back. We are planning to call her back to see what they are going to do to fix the post-op/no-rooms-available problem. Whatever. At least my post-op nurse was the best nurse I had for the entire stay. She was terrific.

1 comment:

othurme said...

Congratulations on your transplant and good luck with your recovery. Bummer about the terrible hospital stay. My time at Stanford Hospital was awesome. May you never need another, but if you do, I recommend Stanford if you can manage it.